We have all reached the point when it comes to our hair where all the years of abuse from bleaching, hair straightening and blow drying takes its toll on our once beloved locks. The luscious shiny mane you once remember having has been replaced by a dry, dull split ended fuzz ball. But all is not lost. Here at MyOneWedding we have complied the best tips and products that will get your hair back into tip top shape!
Hair should grow on average 1 inch every month, however many women do not see these results. Regular hair cuts do make a difference, try having half an inch off every three months if you really want it to grow. Getting too much cut off is simply cutting away what you have grown. The stronger your hair is, the better it will look. Split ends cause breakage and without any trims, hair will eventually break off and spilt.
Daily use of hair straightening and heat products need to be reduced to start seeing a difference in the quality of your hair. Turn down the heat on your hair dryer and some times part dry your hair and let the rest dry naturally. Hair dresser to the stars Nicky Clarke suggests “always using protective styling products before blow-drying, add a pea-size amount of Nicky Clarke Instant Calmer from the mid-levels to the ends of your hair to seal in moisture and smooth the cuticles down before you head out into the cold,” he says.
Daily washing of the hair does not help either, natural essential oils that have nutrients and shine to your hair can be stripped away with harsh shampoos. If you must wash your hair daily use a gentle non fragrance ones like the Simple products or perhaps invest in some dry shampoo. Try and avoid boiling hot water and stick to Luke warm water, as hot water damages the hair leaving it dry and brittle. Dry shampoo does a fabulous job at hiding greasy roots so you can get away with not washing your hair for an extra day, and save yourself some more time in bed in the morning results all round!
Conditioning is one of the most important things to follow if you want to try and restore some moisture into your damaged locks. After shampooing your hair you must softly towel dry it before apply conditioner. Expert hair dresser Charles Worthington advises that ‘excess water in your hair means the conditioner won’t be able to penetrate the hair shaft and deliver the necessary moisture to keep hair looking healthy and shiny.” Conditioning masks are also great to use. One of the most important things people forget when applying conditioner is the amount of time to leave it on for and only apply to the ends, avoid the roots as this causes grease. Simply the longer it’s on the more your hair will be moisturised. If you have extra damaged or dry hair you could even wack on a shower hat or pillowcase and leave it on your hair overnight!
Always apply a great hair serum or oil to dry ends. Our favourite must haves are the Macadamia oil healing treatment range. Macadamia oil is blend of the nut oil itself with Argan seed oil which revitalises, nourishes and rejuvenates all hair types. The healing oils are absorbed by the hair instantly and are light-weight, leaving your hair non-greasy/oil. It gives natural UV protection, and extends the life of colour treatments. It gives deep nourishment to your locks leaving your it soft, glossy and totally manageable. An absolute must have! We also recommend especially if you’re on a budget, coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich in vitamins and minerals helps to moisture the hair and give a shiny appearance to your locks. It helps keeps your hairlooking soft and manageable if used sparingly and also has factor that helps protect your hair from the sun. It also doesn’t break the bank.
If you can invest a little more money into your hair, then opt for Redkin’s leave in conditioner. It’s especially formulated for dry split end and really words to make your hair stronger. After a few weeks of using it your hair will be stronger, shinier and will be breaking less. Give it a try, we promise you won’t be disappointed.
Use a wide tooth comb to prevent pulling out hair with a harsh brittle hair brush. Wide tooth combs also prevent the build up of tangles and knots. NewBeauty editor Anna Jimenez states that “When your hair is soaking wet, it is weaker, fragile and more susceptible to breakage – Try not to rough-dry hair with a towel, and instead gently press the water out. Also, do not brush your hair while it is wet. Use a wide-tooth comb, working from the ends of your hair on up.”
Our hair is made up 5% of water and 95% protein. One of the best things for your hair and body is water. Drink as much water as you can, so from today why not try sipping a little more!
Foods For Healthy Hair
Diet has a significant impact on your hair. We all know that conditioning and looking after your hair is vital however the food and drink you put in to your body can effect how your hair looks, feels and grows too.
• Lean meat
Lean cuts of beef or poultry provide great sources of protein. As our hair is mostly protein, food high in protein will really make a difference.
• Salmon
Rich in protein and vitamin D, the omega-3 fatty acids are so beneficial. Your body can’t make those fatty acids, which your body needs to grow hair.
• Eggs
Packed with protein, eggs contain four main minerals, zinc, selenium, sulphur, and iron. Iron helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles. Instead of frying an egg, save those calories and poach in a pan of boiling water and few spoonfuls of vinegar,this will prevent the egg from breaking.
• Sweet Potatoes
Vitamin A helps protect and produce the oils that sustain your scalp. Sweet potatoes contain antioxidant beta carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A.
• Spinach
Rich dark, leafy vegetables contain iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C. These are great for your scalp and hair follicles.
• Walnuts
Walnuts have a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids. They’re rich in biotin and vitamin E, which helps protect your cells from DNA damage.
• Greek Yoghurt
Greek yoghurt is high in protein, vitamin B5 and vitamin D. Go for the low-fat option and mix with fruit for a healthy snack.
• Blueberries
Vitamin C is critical for circulation to the scalp and supports the tiny blood vessels that feed the follicles. Strawberries, kiwis, sweet potatoes and tomatoes are also great alternatives.
Great supplements for the hair include omega and fish oils, zinc, the vitamin b complex iron and Vitamin D.
Follow these tips and within a few weeks you’ll be sure to notice a difference!